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Showing posts from June, 2019

Why you'd rather be dead than be disabled

Can we talk? Human to human? I know that discussing disability and disabled people in general makes you feel uncomfortable. We "look" weird, or "act" weird... sometimes both. How many times have you seen someone like me and thought "Man, if I had to be her, I'd rather be dead". I get it. There's been times when I see someone with a more severe form of my own disability and think "Shit, I don't know how they do it". I don't know where they get the strength to do life, one day after another. For me personally, this is a huge part of what fuels my fire. I look at these people and what's happening with poor legislation than affects them, lousy support programs, greedy funding for therapies (or lack thereof) and I know I NEED to do something about it. This fuel is what gave birth to NuGenerous. And while I'm not alone in how I approach my feelings about disability, I am aware that most people (the grand majority) don't...

I’d rather be disabled than these 8 other things

Let’s play a game of Would you Rather.  (Disclaimer: being disabled does not preclude you from being any of the things listed below. You could very well be disabled and a turd at the same time. Yes, they exist. We are not all inspirational little angels sent here by God to help you feel better about your own life.) K, lets begin! We'll start with an easy one. 1. A sexual predator.  This is a no brainer, right? Or? Would you rather be a candy toting, white unmarked van driving pedophile, or never again feel the sand between your toes? Is this harder than you thought? Let’s move on to the next one… 2. A racist How about this one? If you had to choose between being a racist waste of space, or needing help to wipe your butt after using the bathroom… Which would it be? 3. Sexist Would you prefer to live your life feeling as though your genitals were the most valuable thing about you, or require assistance feeding yourself? 4. A xenophobe ...